
类型:电影解说,综艺 大陆 2007

主演:阿龙 阿俊 



  导演认识了两位“朋友”。他与他们之间的交往构成了这部片子。开始,他并没有一个明确的计划要制作一部纪录片,但随着时间的推移,他开始有目的和他们交“朋友”。“朋友”们奇迹般地允许导演进入他们的生活,他们吸毒也贩毒的生活。  纪录片的制作者和被拍者之间到底应该是一种什么样的关系,这部影片给出了它的解释。  The director himself (who’s also a journalist) encountered in an interview a small group of people who, despite all odds, willingly invite him into their world of drug use and peddling. That’s how “Using” was born.  What exactly is the relationship between a filmmaker and those being portrayed, “Using” has the answer.如果您喜欢努努影院(www.hzsfly.com)分享的《龙哥[电影解说]》,别忘了推荐给你的好友!

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